window.appConfig = { "branchId": "emory", "branchDisplayName": "Emory University", "environment": "production", "meta": { "title": "Emory University", "url": "emory", "contact": { "name": "Jon Smith", "email": "" }, "type": { "studio": "Campus", "market": "Parks", "lang": "en" } }, "map": { "initView": { "zoom": 17, "center": { lat: 33.7911299, lng: -84.3234318 }, }, "baseImages": [ { "title": "Roadmap", "baseImage": { "url": "{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoidGFkaXJhbWFuIiwiYSI6IktzUnNGa28ifQ.PY_hnRMhS94SZmIR2AIgug", "attr": "MapBox" } }, { "title": "Satellite", "isdefault": true, "baseImage": { "url": "{z}/{x}/{y}@2x?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoidGFkaXJhbWFuIiwiYSI6IktzUnNGa28ifQ.PY_hnRMhS94SZmIR2AIgug", "attr": "MapBox" } } ], "defaultBaseLayer": "Satellite", "zoom": {min: 12, max: 18}, "layerIds": { "Satellite": "cj7jjlth36ipm2sp1s1f90pik", "RoadMap": "cjlgmsb7r25m02rmnmlpt0guo" }, "overlays": [] }, "content": { "brand": { "logo": "logo.png", "brandColor": "#004990" }, "introduction": { "headline": "Welcome", "text": "As we consider what the future of Emory looks like, we want to hear from you! Use this interactive tool to create a map that reflects your experiences at Emory. Add points, lines, and shapes to tell us your own unique perspective. We'll aggregate these maps from all participants to discover patterns, challenges, and opportunities.", "dataUsage": "Your responses are anonymous. We protect your privacy and all data is only used internally.", "instructions": "Draw points, lines, or shapes using different categories to illustrate your experiences, and leave a comment or thumbs up if you'd like. You can move the map, zoom in and out, and change the map base to roadmap or satellite. After you've drawn points, lines, or shapes, you can edit or delete them by clicking on them again. Have fun!" }, "thankyou": { "headline": "Thank you", "text": "Thanks for sharing your experiences. Your input is important to us, and your perspective will help shape the future of this place. For more information about the Framework Plan, please check out the project website below.", "label": "Go to project website", "link": "" }, "closed": { "headline": "Thank you", "text": "The survey is closed. Thanks for for sharing your experiences!", "label": "", "link": "" }, "demographics": { "headline": "About You", "description": "We'd like to ask just a few questions about you!" } }, "questions": [ { "type": "icon", "questions": [ { "questionid": 1, "text": "Where do you...", "icons": [ { "id": "work", "text": "Work", "image": "work2.png" }, { "id": "dine", "text": "Eat", "image": "dine.png" }, { "id": "live", "text": "Live", "image": "live.png" }, { "id": "socialize", "text": "Hang out", "image": "socializing.png" }, { "id": "go_out", "text": "Go out", "image": "go_out.png" }, { "id": "study", "text": "Study", "image": "study.png" }, { "id": "recreate", "text": "Recreate", "image": "recreate.png" } ] }, { "questionid": 2, "text": "What you consider to be...", "icons": [ { "id": "improvement", "text": "Area of Improvement", "image": "improvement.png" }, { "id": "heart", "text": "Heart of Campus", "image": "heart.png" }, { "id": "hardreach", "text": "Hard to reach", "image": "hardreach.png" }, { "id": "welcoming", "text": "Welcoming space", "image": "welcoming.png" }, { "id": "nonwelcoming", "text": "Un-welcoming space", "image": "nonwelcoming.png" }, { "id": "reflective", "text": "Reflective space", "image": "reflective.png" }, { "id": "pedestrian_conflict", "text": "Pedestrian conflict", "image": "pedestrian_conflict.png" } ] } ] }, { "type": "polyline", "questions": [ { "questionid": 1, "text": "How do you get around campus?", "icons": [ { "id": "walking", "text": "Walking", "color": "#278081", "image": "walking.png" }, { "id": "biking", "text": "Biking", "color": "#677DFF", "image": "biking.png" }, { "id": "transit", "text": "Transit", "color": "#42CC98", "image": "bus.png" }, { "id": "car", "text": "Driving", "color": "#D36168", "image": "car.png" }, { "id": "hiking", "text": "Hiking", "color": "#E16D08", "image": "hiking.png" } ] } ] }, { "type": "polygon", "questions": [ { "questionid": 1, "text": "Draw the region that defines...", "icons": [ { "id": "oncampus", "text": "On Campus", "color": "#D34200", "image": "oncampus.png" }, { "id": "campuscore", "text": "Campus Core", "color": "#8CAE30", "image": "campuscore.png" } ] } ] } ], "survey": { "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "Q2": { "title": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "role": { "type": "string", "title": "What is your role?", "enum": [ "Faculty", "Student", "Staff", "Alumni" ] } }, "dependencies": { "role": { "oneOf": [ { "properties": { "role": { "enum": [ "Student" ] }, "Q22": { "title": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "class_year": { "type": "string", "title": "Your class year?", "enum": [ "First Year", "Sophomore", "Junior", "Senior", "Graduate" ] } }, "dependencies": { "class_year": { "oneOf": [{ "properties": { "class_year": { "enum": [ "Junior", "Senior" ] }, "Q221": { "title": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "oxford_graduate": { "type": "string", "title": "Are you an Oxford graduate?", "enum": [ "Yes", "No" ] } } } } }, { "properties": { "class_year": { "enum": [ "First Year", "Sophomore", "Graduate" ] } } } ] } } }, "Q23": { "title": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "residence_hall": { "type": "string", "title": "What is your residence hall?", "enum": [ "Alabama", "Clairmont Tower", "Complex", "CRC", "Dobbs", "Few & Evans", "Fleming Hall", "Hamilton - Holmes", "Harris", "Haygood Hall", "Jolley Residential Center", "Longstreet - Means", "Murdy & Elizer Halls", "Raoul", "Turman", "URC", "Woodruff", "N/A" ] } } } } }, { "properties": { "role": { "enum": [ "Faculty", "Staff", "Alumni" ] }, "Q21": { "title": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "howlong": { "type": "string", "title": "How long have you been on campus?", "enum": [ "0-2 years", "3-4 years", "5-10 years", "11-20 years", "21+ years" ] } } }, "Q211": { "title": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "affiliation": { "type": "string", "title": "What is your Emory affiliation?", "enum": [ "Emory University", "Emory Healthcare", "Both" ] } } } } } ] } } }, "Q5": { "title": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "location": { "type": "string", "title": "Where are you located?", "enum": [ "Druid Hills", "Oxford", "Executive Park", "Hospital", "Clinic" ] } }, "dependencies": { "location": { "oneOf": [{ "properties": { "location": { "enum": [ "Druid Hills", "Oxford", "Executive Park", "Clinic" ] } } }, { "properties": { "location": { "enum": [ "Hospital" ] }, "Which hospital?": { "enum": [ "Emory University Hospital", "Emory University Hospital Midtown", "Emory University Hospital at Wesley Woods", "Emory Johns Creek Hospital", "Emory Saint Joseph's Hospital", "Emory Rehabilitation Hospital", "Emory University Orthopaedics and Spine Hospital", "Grady Hospital", "Other" ] } } } ] } } }, "Q6": { "title": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "multipleChoicesList": { "type": "array", "title": "With which unit are you affiliated? 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